February Weather in Houston, Texas, United States
Daily Temperature and Precipitation Forecast
The average temperature in Houston, Texas, United States, in February ranges from a high of 67°F (19°C) to a low of 48°F (9°C). Daily high temperatures increase by 6°F from 65°F to 71°F throughout the month. Precipitation is relatively common, with an average of 7 days of rainfall or snowfall.
Extended Forecast
The extended forecast for Houston, Texas, United States, in February 2024, is as follows:
- February 1-7: Mostly sunny skies with high temperatures in the mid to upper 60s and low temperatures in the low to mid 40s. A slight chance of rain on February 2 and 6.
- February 8-14: Partly cloudy skies with high temperatures in the low to mid 70s and low temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s. A moderate chance of rain on February 10 and 13.
- February 15-21: Mostly sunny skies with high temperatures in the mid to upper 70s and low temperatures in the mid to upper 40s. A slight chance of rain on February 17.
- February 22-28: Partly cloudy skies with high temperatures in the low to mid 70s and low temperatures in the low to mid 40s. A moderate chance of rain on February 24 and 27.